What We Are About

We were just your average everyday family with a new baby trying to make ends meet in life. Until one day we were presented with a very un-average business proposal. "Do you think there is a market for a product that would give you a GUARENTEED 7-14% increase in your gas mileage?" I said absolutley, "and what if this product on top of that decreases the harmfull emissions that your car puts out?" I think that would be great, and it was. We decided to take our average family on the un-average route and change our lives forever. What about you?

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Helping the environment

I wanted to share how our business is very "green". The MPG-CAP reduce emissions by about 75%. This is really big, whether you believe in Global Warming or not, what does it hurt to help the environment by reducing emissions? MPG-CAP™ can reduce carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons, and nitrogen oxide.

Below is the smog results from a 99 ford F150


For more information check out our website http://www.fillthetank.mpgfreedom.com/

1 comment:

stanley said...

your work are contributing to mankind,the world needs a people like u.

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